Monday, June 18, 2012

Zoo Time with Evie!

We went to the Hattiesburg Zoo Saturday.  Laney's cousin Evie went also.  They loved it!  The grown ups liked it too. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Back to the 50's- Youth Fundraiser

We had Back to the 50's tonight at church. It was a fundraiser for our youth.  Husband was part of the 50's band. :) 
He really gets into the music.  haha  Love him!  Laney and I had front row seats, and she LOVED it. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It Looked Like Spilt Milk...Great Rainy Day Book :)

Monday morning was wet and cloudy outside so Laney and I enjoyed reading It Looked Like Spilt Milk.  What was neat about this book was that since it is repetitive Laney was "reading" it by the time we got to last few pages.  She gets so excited when she is able to do this!

 We talked about clouds and then made clouds in a couple of ways.
 Laney put a few drops white paint on blue construction paper and then folded the paper in half.  We then spread the paint while the paper was folded.
 Open and you have a cloud!
 Of course we had to make several more clouds.  I really have no idea how the Santa picture got in there!
 Cotton ball clouds and glitter rain.
 Glitter hands!  Then we had a glitter German Shepherd(Sadie) because she sat under Laney's chair the entire time.  Laney laughed hysterically and I have to admit it was pretty funny.  I think Sadie is still glittery as I type this!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday-Teaching, Book reading, Lady and the Tramp watching, Dancing, Puzzling, Clothes Folding, Yummy Lunch eating, but no Napping Kinda Day

Why do children choose to nap for 3 hours some days and NOT AT ALL on others?  If they only knew the enjoyment of sleep!!  Oh well, off to the playground I head with my child who has had no nap.  I am DETERMINED to make sure she sleeps least I'm going to make a good attempt at it.  :)  Hope you all have had your naps today.

Some stuff we accomplished today:

Laney loves playing teacher.  So she now has her teacher boards and of course no teacher is complete without her teacher pointer...which she also has. ;)
I have always made end of the year CDs for my students to show their parents during our awards day.  I finally got finished copying the slideshows and making the labels today.  It has always been one of my favorite end of the school year things to do!  It's neat to have to go back and look at too.

Oh and check out my "Yummy Eats" tab to see what we had for lunch today.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tuesday's Tinkerings

I bet you sat up all night wondering what Laney would read today! ;)  Well here it is: The Berenstain Bears and the Big Red Kite.

Check out these fun links:
    Berenstain Bears PBS
             Berenstain Bears on Sprout!

We went over the letter K for kite. Then did a letter find where she had to pick out the K's from the other letters and also a picture hunt to find all the words that started with a K.  She seemed to have a good time because we did each activity about 10 times!  Oh, and of course we had to make a kite. :)  Wait until tomorrow!  Check back in to see what kind of fun we get into then. I guess I need to figure it out myself! ;)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday's Happenings

Laney Liz started on a schedule today.  Last week was the first week of  summer vacation, so we didn't have much of any kind of structure.  It got kind of wild at the Palmer house, so we started this week out a little bit differently to say the least.  Laney has LOVED it.  She calls it "Mommy School". haha I know this was only the first morning, but I had fun too. I'll try to post some activities as often as I remember/have time/not tired from being VERY pregnant. ;) 

 Toddler Chore Chart (Click here for the link.  So easy to do.  I just used a stamp for each activity she completed today.  We are going to leave it on the fridge so she can easily see what she's done each day.)

We also read Tickle, Tickle, Itch, Twitch!  Our library is having a summer reading program called "Dream Big-Read".  We are trying to read 50 books by the end of June.  I'll try to post the ones she seems to like the most. 

 She sequenced the story using the picture cards after we read the story.  Then we made feathers by cutting up paper she colored  and gluing the paper to the feather shape.  She really likes anything where she can cut and glue.  She says that's "BIG GIRL" work and only "BIG GIRLS" can do things like this(notice the serious look). 
Tickle Tree Poem (Click here for a cute little poem.)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Our new adventure

Well after 7 years of teaching, lots of praying, and 2 years of desiring to be a stay at home mommy, it's finally become a reality.  The Lord has opened so many doors over the past year and changed our hearts about certain things we thought were so very important, but were so very not.  I think that's why it's taken 2 years to prepare us for this! So here we leap into this next stage of our lives, depending on the Lord's guidance to do this! Hope you enjoy it with us.