Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It Looked Like Spilt Milk...Great Rainy Day Book :)

Monday morning was wet and cloudy outside so Laney and I enjoyed reading It Looked Like Spilt Milk.  What was neat about this book was that since it is repetitive Laney was "reading" it by the time we got to last few pages.  She gets so excited when she is able to do this!

 We talked about clouds and then made clouds in a couple of ways.
 Laney put a few drops white paint on blue construction paper and then folded the paper in half.  We then spread the paint while the paper was folded.
 Open and you have a cloud!
 Of course we had to make several more clouds.  I really have no idea how the Santa picture got in there!
 Cotton ball clouds and glitter rain.
 Glitter hands!  Then we had a glitter German Shepherd(Sadie) because she sat under Laney's chair the entire time.  Laney laughed hysterically and I have to admit it was pretty funny.  I think Sadie is still glittery as I type this!

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