Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday-Teaching, Book reading, Lady and the Tramp watching, Dancing, Puzzling, Clothes Folding, Yummy Lunch eating, but no Napping Kinda Day

Why do children choose to nap for 3 hours some days and NOT AT ALL on others?  If they only knew the enjoyment of sleep!!  Oh well, off to the playground I head with my child who has had no nap.  I am DETERMINED to make sure she sleeps least I'm going to make a good attempt at it.  :)  Hope you all have had your naps today.

Some stuff we accomplished today:

Laney loves playing teacher.  So she now has her teacher boards and of course no teacher is complete without her teacher pointer...which she also has. ;)
I have always made end of the year CDs for my students to show their parents during our awards day.  I finally got finished copying the slideshows and making the labels today.  It has always been one of my favorite end of the school year things to do!  It's neat to have to go back and look at too.

Oh and check out my "Yummy Eats" tab to see what we had for lunch today.

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