Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday's Happenings

Laney Liz started on a schedule today.  Last week was the first week of  summer vacation, so we didn't have much of any kind of structure.  It got kind of wild at the Palmer house, so we started this week out a little bit differently to say the least.  Laney has LOVED it.  She calls it "Mommy School". haha I know this was only the first morning, but I had fun too. I'll try to post some activities as often as I remember/have time/not tired from being VERY pregnant. ;) 

 Toddler Chore Chart (Click here for the link.  So easy to do.  I just used a stamp for each activity she completed today.  We are going to leave it on the fridge so she can easily see what she's done each day.)

We also read Tickle, Tickle, Itch, Twitch!  Our library is having a summer reading program called "Dream Big-Read".  We are trying to read 50 books by the end of June.  I'll try to post the ones she seems to like the most. 

 She sequenced the story using the picture cards after we read the story.  Then we made feathers by cutting up paper she colored  and gluing the paper to the feather shape.  She really likes anything where she can cut and glue.  She says that's "BIG GIRL" work and only "BIG GIRLS" can do things like this(notice the serious look). 
Tickle Tree Poem (Click here for a cute little poem.)

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